gastric band turkey

gastric sleeve in turkey | Sleeve gastrectomy has become a popular weight loss surgical procedure in Turkey and around the world. Also known as a “vertical sleeve gastrectomy,” this procedure is a procedure that shrinks the size of the stomach, thereby reducing the amount of food a person can eat. Reducing the size of the stomach makes the patient feel full more quickly, which contributes to effective and safe weight loss.

BEST gastric sleeve turkey price

1. What is gastric sleeve?

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure that permanently reduces the size of the stomach. A large portion of the stomach is removed, transforming it from a bag-shaped structure into a tube-shaped one. This change in the direction of food and the reduction of the absorptive capacity of the stomach causes the patient to feel full quickly, thus reducing the desire to eat large amounts of food.

2. How is sleeve gastrectomy performed in Turkey?

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed under general anesthesia, and the operation can take about two hours. First, the surgeon creates a new section of the stomach in a tubular shape using a surgical scalpel and metal staples. The largest part of the stomach is removed, leaving only a small, banana-like section called the “hollow stomach”. This process is not reversible, which means that the patient will always have a smaller stomach size.

3. The benefits of gastric sleeve

Sleeve gastrectomy has many benefits, most notably:

3.1. Significant weight loss

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most effective ways to lose excess weight, as the loss can reach 60% of the excess weight within the first two years after the surgery.

3.2. Improve health conditions

Losing weight may improve chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing problems, and sleep disorders.

3.3. Improving the quality of life

Weight loss may lead to increased mobility and the ability to carry out daily activities with ease, which improves the quality of life for individuals with obesity.

4. Risks associated with sleeve gastrectomy

Despite the amazing benefits of gastric sleeve surgery, it also comes with some potential risks that the patient should be aware of:

4.1. Possible surgical complications

Sleeve gastrectomy can cause rare but serious surgical complications such as structural leakage and severe bleeding.

4.2. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals

Sleeve gastrectomy may cause difficulty in absorbing important vitamins and minerals for the body, which requires taking nutritional supplements for life.

4.3. Changing feeding pattern

After gastric bypass surgery, the patient will have to follow a modified diet to help lose weight and keep it off, and he may need to change his eating habits drastically.

5. Preparation for sleeve gastrectomy

Before a patient can undergo gastric sleeve surgery, he must prepare physically and psychologically for the surgery. Here are some preparation tips:

5.1. Medical advice

The patient should see a surgeon who specializes in sleeve gastrectomy to assess his health condition and determine if he is suitable for this surgical procedure.

5.2. Medical examinations

The doctor may order some medical tests to ensure that there are no health problems before surgery.

5.3. Psychological preparation

It is advised to prepare psychologically for the surgery, as this operation can be a major transformation in the patient’s life.

6. What should the patient expect after the surgery?

After gastric sleeve surgery, the patient may experience some temporary side effects, such as abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The recovery period varies from person to person, but it usually takes a few days to two weeks.

Gastric sleeve
turkey gastric sleeve

7. Tips for successful weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy

After gastric sleeve surgery, the patient can follow some tips to achieve successful weight loss, including:

7.1. Follow a healthy diet

The patient must follow a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients necessary for the body.

7.2. Doing physical activity

Daily exercise can stimulate weight loss and improve physical fitness.

7.3. Follow up with your doctor regularly

It is recommended to see your doctor regularly to assess progress and to treat any problems that may arise.

best doctor for gastric sleeve in turkey

Introducing the Finest Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgeons in Turkey:

🌟 Dr. Ceyhun Aydogan – Istanbul: A visionary in bariatric surgery, Dr. Aydogan combines surgical expertise with compassion. His dedication to sleeve gastrectomy procedures transforms lives, paving the way for healthier and empowered futures.

🎯 Dr. Mehmet Toprak – Istanbul: Dr. Toprak’s skillful hands and compassionate approach redefine sleeve gastrectomy surgeries. With precision and care, he guides patients on their weight loss journey, illuminating pathways to improved health.

Prof. Dr. Cemal Kara – Izmir: Prof. Kara’s surgical finesse and extensive experience in sleeve gastrectomy surgeries shine brightly. His dedication to innovation and patient well-being creates bridges to transformed lives.

🔥 Prof. Dr. Ender Ozer – Istanbul: Prof. Ozer’s mastery in bariatric surgery comes alive in sleeve gastrectomy procedures that redefine futures. His commitment to cutting-edge techniques and patient-centered care stands as a beacon of hope.

💫 Dr. Babek Tabandeh – Istanbul: Dr. Tabandeh’s surgical artistry transcends in sleeve gastrectomy surgeries, fostering metamorphoses that empower individuals. His patient-centric approach and technical prowess mark him as a standout in the field.

🌸 Dr. Toygar Toydemir – Istanbul: Dr. Toydemir’s surgical brilliance shines in sleeve gastrectomy procedures that rewrite stories of health and vitality. His dedication to personalized care paves the way for meaningful transformations.

🌠 Dr. Yahya Ozel – Istanbul: Dr. Ozel’s expertise in sleeve gastrectomy surgeries is evident in the lives he transforms. With a commitment to excellence, he guides patients toward healthier, happier chapters.

These luminaries of sleeve gastrectomy surgery redefine lives through procedures that lead to weight loss, improved health, and enhanced well-being. With their surgical artistry, the path to a better you becomes an exciting reality. Welcome to the realm where transformation meets triumph.

8. The cost in Turkey and what is included in the price

The gastric sleeve cost turkey varies according to the hospital, the experience of the surgeon, and the equipment used. The cost usually includes the necessary preoperative medical examinations, hospital stay, and postoperative medical follow-up.

The following table shows the approximate gastric sleeve turkey package:

Technique/Genre Approximate cost (in dollars)
Traditional sleeve gastrectomy 3,000 – 8,000
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 4,000 – 10,000
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with robot-assisted surgery 5,000 – 12,000
Modified gastric sleeve 4,000 – 11,000
Laparoscopic modified gastric sleeve 4,000 – 12,000
Gastrectomy with biological glue 3,500 – 9,000
gastric sleeve turkey price

It should be noted that these costs are approximations and may vary by location, hospital, surgeon’s experience, and technology used. Costs may include fees for the surgeon and health care team, hospital stay costs, necessary pre- and post-operative medical examinations, and costs for nursing care and aftercare.

It is recommended that the individual speak with a specialist doctor to obtain an accurate estimate of the costs and to find out whether sleeve gastrectomy is the right option for him according to his health, weight and financial condition.

9. Considerations for sleeve gastrectomy for adolescents

The considerations for sleeve gastrectomy for adolescents are the necessity of assessing physical and psychological growth before surgery, and it should be the last surgery after the failure of non-surgical slimming programs.

10. (gastric sleeve turkey reviews (sleeve surgery turkey

Sleeve gastrectomy is a personal process that obese people may go through, and experiences vary from person to person. Here is a detailed look at the experiences of some people who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy:

  1. Sarah : Sarah made the difficult decision to have gastric sleeve surgery after suffering from obesity for a long time. After the surgery, Sarah felt a great improvement in her lifestyle, as she gradually began to lose weight and was able to do activities that she was not able to do before. In addition, the improvement of Sarah’s general health and an increase in her self-confidence were among the most important results she benefited from.
  2. Omar : Omar decided to get a sleeve gastrectomy after his many attempts to lose weight through diets and exercise failed. After the surgery, Omar actually saw a significant decrease in his weight. Despite this, he was facing challenges in changing his lifestyle and sticking to the diet, but he was able to achieve positive results when he started following the doctor’s instructions and consulting a nutritionist.
  3. Nour : Nour chose gastric sleeve because she was suffering from health problems resulting from being overweight. After the surgery, Nour faced some difficulties in the initial recovery period, but saw a significant improvement in her health after a short period. She also became more active and energetic, and managed to achieve her sustainable weight loss goals.
  4. Ahmed : Ahmed was very anxious before the surgery, especially because of the things he had read about sleeve gastrectomy. But he decided to continue and experiment. After the surgery, Ahmed felt some pain and tightness in the abdomen, but he was gradually recovering. Gradually, Ahmed began to enjoy the health benefits of sleeve gastrectomy, as he felt more movement and activity, and was able to control his eating patterns better.

Sleeve gastrectomy experiences vary according to the individual, his health conditions, and lifestyle. Psychological readiness and adherence to the doctor’s instructions play an important role in achieving successful results after surgery.

11. Emotional readiness for change after sleeve gastrectomy

The patient may face emotional and psychological challenges after gastric sleeve surgery, as a major change in lifestyle and nutritional habits requires psychological conditioning.

Types of gastric sleeve istanbul turkey

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure known to be effective in weight loss, and there are several types of this procedure that can meet each individual’s needs. Here are some popular types of gastric sleeve:

  1. Traditional sleeve gastrectomy : A large part of the stomach is removed in a tubular form, which reduces its ability to absorb food and makes the patient feel full more quickly.
  2. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy : This type of sleeve gastrectomy is performed laparoscopically, where the surgeon makes small cuts in the abdomen and inserts small tools to perform the operation.
  3. Modified sleeve gastrectomy without removal : In this type, a modified collar is created around the stomach using a special material to reduce its size and reduce the absorption of food.
  4. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with modified sleeve gastrectomy : This type combines the use of the endoscope and the modified sleeve gastrectomy technique to achieve the best results.

A person should consult with a specialized surgeon to determine the most appropriate type for him based on his health condition and his special needs. Sleeve gastrectomy is an effective option for obese people who want to lose weight permanently and safely.

Techniques used in gastrectomy

Medical sciences are constantly evolving, and with the advancement of technology, new technologies have emerged that contribute to improving sleeve gastrectomy and increasing its safety. Here are some of the modern techniques used in sleeve gastrectomy:

  1. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy : This technique is one of the most common modern techniques in sleeve gastrectomy. The surgery is performed with small instruments inserted through small cuts in the abdomen, which helps reduce incision and recovery time.
  2. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with Robotic Assisted Surgery : This technique allows the surgeon to precisely and accurately control the instruments through a robotic device. It allows the surgeon to improve the accuracy of the procedure and reduce any potential surgical complications.
  3. Modified Sleeve Gastrectomy : This technique is used to create a collar around the upper part of the stomach, which reduces its size and limits the absorption of food. This technique is ideal for some cases that traditional sleeve gastrectomy is not suitable for.
  4. Laparoscopic modified sleeve gastrectomy : This type combines the use of the endoscope with the modified sleeve gastrectomy technique to achieve the best results.
  5. Gastric sleeve with biological glue : This technique is used to close the cracks and wounds that occur as a result of the sleeve gastrectomy using biological glue instead of the traditional metal pins.


Sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey is an effective and safe surgical procedure for losing excess weight and improving general health. The article helps explain the different aspects of this surgery, from preparing for the surgery to what the patient can expect after the surgery. Psychological preparation and following a healthy lifestyle after surgery plays an important role in the success of sleeve gastrectomy.

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