all in 6 implants

all on 6 dental implants cost turkey packages , reviews & procedure

In our comprehensive guide, we delve into the details of All on 6 dental implants, a revolutionary solution for those seeking to restore their smiles and regain confidence.

At our clinic, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch dental care in Turkey, combining expertise with affordability.

Before and After Turkey Teeth all on six implants

before and after implants teeth
dental implants before and after

Understanding All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-6 dental implants provide a permanent solution for individuals suffering from extensive tooth loss or decay. This innovative procedure involves securing a full set of teeth using just six implants per arch, providing stability and functionality comparable to natural teeth.

full mouth dental implants

full mouth dental implants

Dental Implants in Turkey: Types, Prices, Procedures and Patients Reviews

Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

all on 6 dental implants turkey price

One of the key advantages of seeking dental treatment in Turkey is the affordability factor. At our clinic, we offer competitive pricing for All-on-6 dental implants without compromising on quality or safety. Our comprehensive packages include:

  • Initial consultation and assessment
  • Surgical procedure
  • Implant placement
  • Customized prosthetic teeth
  • Follow-up appointments
TreatmentTurkey (EUR)Europe (EUR)Savings
Zirconium Implants€2,880€10,54066%
Full Mouth Reconstruction€5,280€19,20072%

Difference between the All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods

The All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods represent two distinct approaches to dental implantation, each with its own set of benefits and characteristics. Here, we’ll delve into the key differences between these two innovative techniques to help you make an informed decision regarding your dental restoration needs.

All-on-4 vs. All-on-6: Understanding the Difference

The All-on-6 method represents a significant advancement over the All-on-4 implantation technology, offering enhanced reliability and stability thanks to a more refined protocol and increased number of implants.

Immediate Loading and Total Adentia Treatment

Both All-on-4 and All-on-6 protocols share the advantage of one-phase implantation with immediate loading, allowing patients to receive a new fixed prosthesis on the same day as implant placement. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from total adentia, enabling them to regain functionality and aesthetics without delay.

Distribution of Chewing Load

One notable difference between the two methods lies in the distribution of chewing load on the implant system. The All-on-6 protocol, with its utilization of six implants, ensures a more even distribution of force, thereby minimizing the risk of implant failure and preventing atrophic changes within the jawbone.

Implant Placement Procedure

While the overall procedure for both All-on-4 and All-on-6 implantations remains similar, the key distinction lies in the number and placement of implants. In the case of All-on-6, two additional implants are strategically placed in the side areas of the jaw, augmenting stability and support for the prosthetic teeth.

Phases of All-on-6 Implantation

The introduction of six artificial tooth roots in the All-on-6 method typically occurs in three phases:

  1. Placement of two implants in the front area of the jaw, aligned with the roots of the front incisors.
  2. Placement of two implants in the side areas of the jaw, typically in a vertical orientation.
  3. Placement of the remaining two implants at an angle, with the direction determined by factors such as bone density, height, and degree of atrophy in the side areas.

Multi-Unit Abutment and Stability

To accommodate the varying angles of implant placement, a high-tech multi-unit abutment is utilized. This innovative design ensures that the prosthetic crowns can be positioned vertically regardless of the implant’s orientation, enhancing stability and functionality.

Turkish All-on-6 Method: Enhanced Stability

The Turkish All-on-6 method emphasizes precise calculations for implant placement to achieve optimal load distribution. By distributing the load trapezoidally, this approach improves the stability of the abutments and ensures the reliability of the entire dental system.

In conclusion, while both All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods offer effective solutions for dental restoration, the All-on-6 protocol stands out for its superior stability and enhanced support, making it a preferred choice for individuals seeking long-term reliability and aesthetics in their dental prosthetics.

Stages of All-on-6 Implantation

Embarking on the journey towards All-on-6 dental implants involves several key stages, each meticulously planned and executed to ensure optimal results for the patient’s oral health and functionality.

1. Preparatory Stage

During the initial consultation, the patient undergoes a thorough assessment to determine the suitability for All-on-6 implantation. This assessment includes evaluating indications and contraindications for the procedure and conducting a CT scan of the jaws to assess bone density and structure. This crucial step helps determine if the All-on-6 technique is appropriate for the patient’s specific needs.

2. 3D Modelling on a PC

Utilizing advanced technology, such as computer-assisted design (CAD), the dental team performs 3D modeling to precisely plan the implant placement. This involves calculating the optimal position of the implants and selecting parameters based on the patient’s unique anatomy. Special consideration is given to the topography of neighboring anatomical structures to ensure accuracy and safety during the procedure.

3. Implantation Procedure

On the scheduled day of the procedure, the dental surgeon begins by placing the selected implants, typically numbering four to six, depending on the patient’s individual requirements. In some cases, tooth extraction may be necessary, and this is performed prior to implant placement. The procedure is conducted under local anesthesia and typically takes several hours to complete. Once the implants are securely in place, the surgeon sutures the gums to promote healing.

4. Prosthesis Placement

One of the notable advantages of the All-on-6 technique is the immediate placement of temporary prostheses following the implantation procedure. These temporary prostheses, often consisting of a metal bar with plastic dental units, enable patients to chew and smile normally during the initial healing phase. After a period of six to eight months, or as determined by the dental team, the temporary prostheses are replaced with a more permanent restoration made from durable materials such as metal ceramics or zirconium dioxide.

Longevity of All-on-6 Implants

At DentaTur clinics in Turkey (located in Antalya, Marmaris, Fethiye, and Istanbul), our experienced dental professionals utilize state-of-the-art implantation technologies to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients. With a success rate of 99%, complications with All-on-6 implants are rare. Furthermore, manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty for their dental implants, with an expected service life of over 20 years depending on the material and quality of the implants. This longevity provides patients with lasting confidence and functionality in their smiles.

Stages of All-on-6 Implantation
Stages of All-on-6 Implantation

all on 6 dental implants cost in turkey

At our clinic, we offer competitive pricing for all on 6 dental implants cost in turkey, made even more affordable with our package deals. These comprehensive packages include a range of additional services to ensure a seamless and satisfying experience for our patients.


The All-on-4® treatment concept is a cost-efficient, graft-less solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the week of surgery.


  • 4 Straumann Neodent Dental Implants
  • 12 Temporary Teeth (Fixed Denture)
  • Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic, Airport Drop-off)
  • Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast During Treatment
  • Consultation
  • 3D Dental Tomography & Panoramic X-Ray
  • Local Anesthetics
    Requires 2 visits, each visit takes 6-7 days within 3 to 6 months’ time scale.




  • 6 Celtra Duo Veneers
  • Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic, Airport Drop-off)
  • Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast during Treatment
  • Consultation & Panoramic X-Ray
  • Local Anesthetics
  • Laboratory Fees
  • The Dentist’s Time & Work
    Requires 1 visit for 4 to 5 days

all on 6 dental implants Reviews

teeth veneers before and after
  • Country: Spain
  • Age: 40
  • Profession: Lawyer
  • Procedure: Dental Implants

Sophia traveled to Turkey for dental implant surgery and had an exceptional experience. The dental team at the clinic provided thorough pre-operative assessments and personalized care. Sophia felt confident in the surgeon’s expertise and was impressed by the professionalism of the staff. The dental implants were placed with precision, restoring Sophia’s smile and dental function effectively. She highly recommends the clinic for dental implant procedures.

before after veneer
  • Country: Australia
  • Age: 38
  • Profession: Engineer
  • Procedure: Gum Disease Treatment

Daniel underwent gum disease treatment at a dental clinic in Turkey and was extremely satisfied with the care he received. The dental team conducted a thorough assessment of Daniel’s oral health and provided comprehensive treatment for his gum disease. Daniel appreciated the professionalism and expertise of the staff, who ensured his comfort throughout the process. The treatment effectively resolved Daniel’s gum issues, and he highly recommends the clinic for gum disease treatment.

Is it Safe to Have Teeth Implants in Turkey?

Undergoing implant treatment with reputable Turkish dentists is both safe and cost-effective. Turkish dental professionals adhere to the same rigorous standards and best practices observed by their counterparts in Western European countries, ensuring patients receive quality care and reliable outcomes.

How to Choose a Dental Clinic for all on 6 dental implants turkey?

Choosing the right dental clinic for All-on-6 dental implants in Turkey is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your treatment outcome and overall experience. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a dental clinic:

  1. Reputation and Credentials: Research the reputation and credentials of the dental clinic, including the qualifications and experience of the dentists and oral surgeons. Look for certifications, accreditations, and affiliations with reputable dental associations.
  2. Specialization in Implant Dentistry: Choose a clinic that specializes in implant dentistry and has extensive experience performing All-on-6 procedures. Look for testimonials, before-and-after photos, and patient reviews to gauge the clinic’s expertise in this specific area.
  3. Advanced Technology and Facilities: Opt for a dental clinic equipped with advanced technology and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure the highest quality of care and precision during the implantation process. This includes 3D imaging, CAD/CAM technology, and sterilization protocols.
  4. Patient-Centered Approach: Seek out a dental clinic that prioritizes patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Look for clinics that offer personalized treatment plans, thorough consultations, and clear communication throughout the treatment process.
  5. Cost and Value: Consider the cost of All-on-6 dental implants at various clinics in Turkey, but also weigh the value of the services provided. Look for transparent pricing, inclusive treatment packages, and any additional services or amenities offered.
  6. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Read patient reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences of previous patients at the clinic. Pay attention to feedback regarding the quality of care, professionalism of the staff, and overall satisfaction with the treatment outcomes.
  7. Location and Accessibility: Consider the location and accessibility of the dental clinic, especially if you are traveling from abroad for treatment. Choose a clinic that is conveniently located and easily accessible, with nearby accommodation options and transportation links.
  8. Consultation and Evaluation: Schedule a consultation and evaluation with the dental clinic to discuss your treatment goals, assess your eligibility for All-on-6 implants, and address any questions or concerns you may have. Use this opportunity to evaluate the clinic’s facilities, staff, and level of care.

By considering these factors carefully, you can make an informed decision when choosing a dental clinic for All-on-6 dental implants in Turkey, ensuring a successful and satisfying treatment experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About all on 6 dental implants turkey

Is all on 6 dental implants worth it?

Yes, All-on-6 dental implants are often considered worth it due to their superior stability, functionality, and longevity. They provide a permanent solution for individuals with extensive tooth loss, offering enhanced chewing ability and a natural-looking smile.

How much does a full set of dental implants cost in Turkey?

The cost of a full set of dental implants in Turkey can vary depending on factors such as the clinic, the specific treatment plan, and any additional procedures required. However, on average, the cost of All-on-6 dental implants in Turkey is generally more affordable compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for international patients seeking quality dental care at a lower cost.

How long do all on 6 implants last?

All-on-6 implants are designed to be a long-term solution for tooth replacement. With proper care and maintenance, including regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices, All-on-6 implants can last for over 20 years or even a lifetime.

How painful is all on 6?

The level of discomfort experienced during and after the All-on-6 implantation procedure can vary from person to person. However, most patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure itself, which is performed under local anesthesia. Some mild soreness and swelling may occur in the days following the surgery, but this can typically be managed with pain medication prescribed by your dentist.

What are the problems with all-on-6 dental implants?

While All-on-6 dental implants are generally a reliable and effective treatment option, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications to be aware of. These may include infection, implant failure, nerve damage, and complications with the healing process. However, these risks are relatively rare when the procedure is performed by an experienced dental professional.

Is all-on-6 better than All-on-4?

Both All-on-6 and All-on-4 dental implant techniques offer effective solutions for tooth replacement. The choice between the two depends on factors such as the patient’s individual needs, bone density, and anatomical considerations. All-on-6 implants provide additional stability and support due to the placement of six implants, making them a preferred choice for patients seeking enhanced durability and longevity.

How long does all on 6 take?

The duration of the All-on-6 implantation process can vary depending on factors such as the patient’s oral health, the complexity of the case, and any additional procedures required. However, in general, the entire process, from initial consultation to final restoration, typically takes several months to complete.

Which is better 3 on 6 or All-on-4 dental implants?

The choice between 3 on 6 and All-on-4 dental implants depends on the specific needs and anatomy of the patient. While both options offer effective solutions for tooth replacement, All-on-4 implants involve the placement of four implants per arch, whereas 3 on 6 implants utilize three implants in each arch. The decision between the two should be made in consultation with a dental professional who can assess the patient’s individual situation and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.

Do All-on-4 look natural?

Yes, All-on-4 dental implants are designed to provide a natural-looking smile. The prosthetic teeth used in All-on-4 restorations are custom-made to closely resemble natural teeth in terms of shape, color, and size. With proper design and placement, All-on-4 implants can result in a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile transformation.


At our clinic, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care and transforming smiles with All-on-6 dental implants. With our expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable pricing, we strive to exceed our patients’ expectations and restore confidence in their smiles. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile!