Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental Implants in Turkey

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dental implants in Turkey. We understand the importance of finding reliable information when considering dental procedures abroad. In this guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about dental implants in Turkey, including the procedure, benefits, cost, and why Turkey is an excellent destination for dental tourism.

Before and After Turkey Teeth Implants

before and after implants teeth
dental implants before and after

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They consist of titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. Once the implants integrate with the bone, they provide a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

full mouth dental implants

full mouth dental implants

All-on-6 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Dental Implants Cost in Turkey

Turkish dental implant procedures boast top-notch quality while offering significant cost savings compared to the UK and other countries in Western Europe. The superior quality and affordability make Turkey an appealing destination for individuals seeking dental implant treatments.

Cost Comparison

When comparing the cost of dental implants in Turkey with those in the UK, the savings are substantial. The table below illustrates the cost difference for various types of dental implant treatments:

TreatmentTurkey (EUR)Europe (EUR)Savings
Zirconium Implants€2,880€10,54066%
Full Mouth Reconstruction€5,280€19,20072%

Quality and Affordability

Despite the lower costs, dental implants in Turkey maintain the highest standards of quality. The materials used are sourced from global dentistry supply brands, ensuring that patients receive premium prostheses.

dental implant treatments in Turkey offer an unbeatable combination of quality and affordability. Patients can benefit from world-class dental care while enjoying substantial cost savings compared to Europe. If you’re considering dental implants, Turkey provides an excellent option for achieving a healthy and confident smile without breaking the bank.

Number of Visits Required for Dental Implants Installation Procedure in Turkey

Patients undergoing dental implant procedures in Turkey typically need to make two separate visits to the dentist to complete their treatment. Additionally, the total cost of the implant procedure is divided into two payments corresponding to each stage of the treatment.

Stages of Dental Implant Procedure in Turkey

First Stage: Implant Installation

During the initial stage of the procedure, the dentist will install the implant screws and temporary crowns or bridges. This stage involves the following steps:

  1. Local Anaesthesia: The dentist will administer local anaesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure.
  2. Gum Incisions: Incisions are made in the gums at the designated implant sites.
  3. Screw Installation: Holes are created in the jawbone, and the implant screws are carefully installed into place.
  4. Gum Suturing: Once the screws are in position, the gums are sutured to facilitate the healing process.
  5. Temporary Prosthesis Installation: Temporary crowns or bridges, known as low-pressure prostheses, are attached to the implants.

Second Stage: Final Prosthesis Installation

After the process of osseointegration, which is the fusion of the implants with the jawbone, is complete, the patient returns to the clinic for the second stage of the procedure. This stage involves the following steps:

  1. Removal of Temporary Prosthesis: The dentist removes the temporary crowns or bridges.
  2. Installation of Permanent Prosthesis: The permanent crowns, bridges, or dentures are installed onto the implants.
  3. Evaluation and Adjustment: The dentist thoroughly evaluates the fit and functionality of the permanent prosthesis, checking for any issues.
  4. Completion of Treatment: If no issues are identified, the treatment is considered complete. However, if adjustments are necessary to ensure proper fit and comfort, the dentist will make the necessary modifications to the permanent prosthesis.

patients undergoing dental implant procedures in Turkey typically need to visit the dentist twice to complete their treatment. The first visit involves the installation of the implant screws and temporary prostheses, while the second visit includes the placement of the permanent prosthesis. By dividing the treatment into two stages, patients can achieve optimal results with careful attention to detail and precision.

Number of Visits Required for Dental Implants Installation Procedure in Turkey
Number of Visits Required for Dental Implants Installation Procedure in Turkey

Full Mouth Dental Implants Package Deals and Pricing in Turkey

At our clinic, we offer competitive pricing for full mouth dental implant treatments in Turkey, made even more affordable with our package deals. These comprehensive packages include a range of additional services to ensure a seamless and satisfying experience for our patients.


The All-on-4® treatment concept is a cost-efficient, graft-less solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the week of surgery.


  • 4 Straumann Neodent Dental Implants
  • 12 Temporary Teeth (Fixed Denture)
  • Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic, Airport Drop-off)
  • Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast During Treatment
  • Consultation
  • 3D Dental Tomography & Panoramic X-Ray
  • Local Anesthetics
    Requires 2 visits, each visit takes 6-7 days within 3 to 6 months’ time scale.




  • 6 Celtra Duo Veneers
  • Free Transfers (Airport pick-up, hotel, clinic, Airport Drop-off)
  • Hotel Stay with Bed & Breakfast during Treatment
  • Consultation & Panoramic X-Ray
  • Local Anesthetics
  • Laboratory Fees
  • The Dentist’s Time & Work
    Requires 1 visit for 4 to 5 days

Affordable Pricing

The cost of full mouth dental implants in Turkey is designed to be accessible to patients of all budgets. Our transparent pricing structure ensures that you receive high-quality treatment at a price that fits your financial needs.

Inclusive Package Deals

Our package deals for full mouth dental implants encompass a variety of services to enhance your overall treatment experience. These may include:

  • Consultation: Comprehensive evaluation by our experienced dental professionals to assess your oral health and treatment needs.
  • Implant Placement: Surgical placement of dental implant fixtures by our skilled surgeons using advanced techniques and materials.
  • Restorations: Custom-crafted crowns, bridges, or dentures to restore your smile and dental function with precision and aesthetics.
  • Follow-Up Care: Post-procedure check-ups and follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns.
  • Additional Services: Depending on your specific needs, additional services such as sedation dentistry, bone grafting, or sinus lifts may also be included in our package deals.

To learn more about our full mouth dental implants package deals and pricing, we invite you to contact our clinic directly. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to answer any questions you may have and help you take the first step towards achieving a confident and healthy smile.

At our clinic, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality dental care at an affordable price. With our full mouth dental implants package deals, you can enjoy comprehensive treatment and exceptional value for your investment in your oral health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Types Of Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental implants are versatile solutions for replacing missing teeth, offering various types to suit different patient needs and preferences. In Turkey, renowned for its advanced dental facilities and expertise, patients have access to a wide range of dental implant options. Below are some common types of dental implants available in Turkey:

1. Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are the most common type of dental implants used worldwide. These implants are surgically placed directly into the jawbone and provide a sturdy foundation for artificial teeth. Endosteal implants may be shaped like screws, cylinders, or plates, depending on the specific requirements of the patient.

2. Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are designed for patients who lack sufficient bone density to support traditional implants. Instead of being inserted into the jawbone, subperiosteal implants are placed under the gum tissue, but above the jawbone. This type of implant is ideal for patients who cannot undergo bone grafting procedures.

3. All-on-4 Implants

The All-on-4 implant technique is a revolutionary approach to full arch restoration. With this method, only four implants are strategically placed in the jawbone to support a full set of teeth. All-on-4 implants offer a faster and more cost-effective solution for patients in need of extensive tooth replacement.

4. Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are an alternative for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw. Instead of anchoring into the jawbone, zygomatic implants are anchored into the zygomatic bone (cheekbone). This technique provides a stable foundation for dental prostheses, even in cases where traditional implants are not feasible.

5. Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are smaller in diameter than traditional implants and are often used to stabilize dentures or support single-tooth restorations in narrow spaces. These implants require less invasive surgery and offer quicker recovery times, making them an attractive option for certain patients.

patients in Turkey have access to a comprehensive range of dental implant options, including endosteal, subperiosteal, All-on-4, zygomatic, and mini implants. By working closely with experienced dental professionals, patients can choose the type of implant that best suits their needs and achieve a confident and functional smile. If you’re considering dental implants in Turkey, consult with a qualified dentist to explore your options and determine the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Types of Materials Used for Dental Implants

Dental implants are composed of biocompatible materials that integrate seamlessly with the surrounding bone tissue to provide a sturdy foundation for artificial teeth. In Turkey, where advanced dental technology and materials are readily available, patients have access to a variety of implant materials. Here are some common types:

1. Titanium Implants

1. Titanium Implants

Titanium implants are the most widely used type of dental implant material. Titanium is known for its excellent biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and durability. These qualities make titanium implants highly successful in promoting osseointegration and long-term stability. Additionally, titanium implants come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different anatomical needs.

2. Zirconia Implants

2. Zirconia Implants

Zirconia implants are an increasingly popular alternative to titanium implants, particularly for patients with metal allergies or sensitivities. Zirconia is a ceramic material known for its biocompatibility and aesthetic properties. Zirconia implants offer excellent strength and durability, comparable to titanium, while providing a tooth-colored option for a more natural-looking restoration.

3. Ceramic Implants

3. Ceramic Implants

Ceramic implants, made from materials such as alumina or yttria-stabilized zirconia, offer another metal-free alternative for dental implantation. Ceramic implants provide excellent biocompatibility and aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for patients who prefer a metal-free solution or have concerns about potential metal allergies.

4. Hybrid Implants

4. Hybrid Implants

Hybrid implants combine different materials to leverage the unique advantages of each component. For example, hybrid implants may feature a titanium implant body with a ceramic or zirconia abutment and crown. This combination allows for optimal strength, stability, and aesthetics, catering to the specific needs of individual patients.

5. Composite Implants

5. Composite Implants

Composite implants are made from a mixture of biocompatible materials, such as polymers and ceramics. While less commonly used than titanium or ceramic implants, composite implants offer unique advantages, including flexibility, shock absorption, and ease of placement. Composite implants may be suitable for certain clinical situations or patients with specific needs.

dental implants in Turkey are available in a variety of materials, including titanium, zirconia, ceramic, hybrid, and composite. Each material offers distinct advantages in terms of biocompatibility, strength, aesthetics, and suitability for individual patient preferences and clinical scenarios. By consulting with a qualified dentist, patients can explore the different implant materials and choose the option that best meets their needs for a successful and long-lasting dental implant restoration.

Different Types of Dental Implant Treatments

Dental implant treatments in Turkish clinics encompass various types of implant restorations, each tailored to address specific dental needs. These treatments differ based on the number of teeth being restored and include the following:

pictures of teeth implants

Full Mouth Restoration

Full mouth restoration involves the use of full-jaw bridges or other implant systems to restore all the teeth in the patient’s mouth. This comprehensive treatment option provides a complete set of functional teeth, enhancing both oral function and aesthetics. The cost of a full set of teeth implants in Turkey makes this typically expensive treatment more accessible to patients.

dental implants before and after

Implant-Supported Bridge

Implant-supported bridges are a type of dental bridge that is anchored to implant screws. This allows patients to replace several damaged teeth without the need for individual implant screws for each tooth. Implant-supported bridges offer stability and durability while restoring the appearance and function of the smile.

Same-Day Dental Implants

Same-Day Dental Implants

Same-day dental implants procedures enable patients to receive functional dentition replacements in a single day. While the implant requires time to complete osseointegration before permanent placement, same-day implants offer immediate restoration of oral function and aesthetics, providing patients with a convenient and efficient treatment option.

teeth before and after

Single Dental Implants

Single dental implants consist of an implant screw and a crown and are used to replace one or a few damaged teeth. This treatment option is ideal for patients with isolated tooth loss and provides a permanent solution for restoring oral function and aesthetics in the affected area.

dental implant treatments in Turkish clinics encompass a range of options, including full mouth restoration, implant-supported bridges, same-day dental implants, and single dental implants. By offering various treatment options, clinicians can address individual patient needs effectively, restoring both oral health and confidence.

graph LR;
    A[Turkey] --> B[Affordable Prices];
    A --> C[Experienced Dentists];
    A --> D[State-of-the-Art Facilities];
    A --> E[Tourism Opportunities];
    D --> F[Dental Implants];
    D --> G[Cosmetic Dentistry];
    D --> H[Restorative Dentistry];
    D --> I[Oral Surgery];
    H --> J[Fillings];
    H --> K[Crowns and Bridges];
    I --> L[Tooth Extractions];
    I --> M[Wisdom Tooth Removal];
    I --> N[Bone Grafting];

All-on-X Implant Systems: Restoring Multiple Teeth with Efficiency and Durability

All-on-X implant systems, including All-on-4, All-on-6, and All-on-8, offer comprehensive solutions for patients seeking to restore multiple teeth simultaneously. These systems vary in the number of screws used per bridge and are designed to provide affordable and durable options for full-mouth restoration. Patients with different jaw densities and stability requirements can choose the system that best suits their needs.

All-on-4 Dental Implants


All-on-4 implant systems feature four screws per bridge and are widely favored for their affordability and effectiveness. At our clinic, All-on-4 systems are among the most popular options, offering reliable restoration for multiple missing teeth at a competitive cost.


For patients requiring additional stability due to denser jaws or more extensive tooth loss, the All-on-6 implant system is an excellent choice. With six screws per bridge, All-on-6 systems provide enhanced support and durability, ensuring long-lasting results for patients with specific dental needs.



All-on-8 implant systems are reserved for cases where maximum stability is paramount. With eight screws per bridge, All-on-8 systems offer unparalleled support and strength, making them suitable for patients requiring a high level of reliability for their fixed bridge restoration.



The 3-on-6 implant system is a specialized option consisting of three fixed bridges, each supported by two implant screws. This system provides a balanced combination of stability and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for patients seeking comprehensive restoration with fewer implants.

Prospects for Dental Implants and Dentures

Opting for dental implants in Turkey presents an opportunity for patients to receive top-quality replacements for damaged dentition. Prospective patients should generally be in good health and over the age of eighteen to be considered suitable candidates for dental implant procedures.

In conclusion, All-on-X implant systems offer versatile solutions for restoring multiple teeth with efficiency and durability. Whether opting for All-on-4, All-on-6, All-on-8, or 3-on-6 systems, patients can expect reliable outcomes and enhanced oral function. Contact us to learn more about our dental implant options and schedule a consultation for your personalized treatment plan.

Brands of Dental Implants in Turkey

In Turkey, patients have access to a wide range of dental implant brands known for their quality, reliability, and innovation. These brands are trusted by dental professionals worldwide and offer a variety of implant options to suit different patient needs. Some of the prominent dental implant brands available in Turkey include:

1. Straumann

Straumann is a leading Swiss dental implant brand known for its precision engineering and high-quality materials. With a wide range of implant systems and prosthetic components, Straumann implants offer versatility and durability, making them a popular choice among both clinicians and patients.

2. Nobel Biocare

Nobel Biocare, a Swedish-based company, is renowned for its pioneering contributions to implant dentistry. Nobel Biocare implants are backed by extensive research and development, ensuring superior performance and long-term success. The brand offers a comprehensive range of implant solutions for various clinical scenarios.

3. BioHorizons

BioHorizons is an American dental implant company known for its innovative implant designs and advanced surface technologies. BioHorizons implants are engineered for optimal osseointegration and biomechanical stability, providing predictable outcomes for patients undergoing implant therapy.

4. Zimmer Biomet

Zimmer Biomet is a global leader in musculoskeletal healthcare, offering a comprehensive portfolio of dental implant solutions. With a focus on innovation and patient-centric design, Zimmer Biomet implants deliver exceptional performance and reliability, backed by decades of clinical research and expertise.

5. Neodent

Neodent, a subsidiary of Straumann Group, is a Brazilian dental implant brand known for its affordable yet high-quality implant systems. Neodent implants are designed to provide predictable outcomes and simplified treatment protocols, making them an excellent option for clinicians seeking cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality.

patients in Turkey have access to a diverse selection of dental implant brands, each offering unique advantages and features. Whether opting for Straumann, Nobel Biocare, BioHorizons, Zimmer Biomet, Neodent, or other reputable brands, patients can expect reliable outcomes and long-term success with their dental implant treatments. By working closely with experienced dental professionals, patients can choose the brand and implant system that best meets their needs for a confident and functional smile.

Dental Implants Turkey Package Deals Reviews

teeth veneers before and after
  • Country: Spain
  • Age: 40
  • Profession: Lawyer
  • Procedure: Dental Implants

Sophia traveled to Turkey for dental implant surgery and had an exceptional experience. The dental team at the clinic provided thorough pre-operative assessments and personalized care. Sophia felt confident in the surgeon’s expertise and was impressed by the professionalism of the staff. The dental implants were placed with precision, restoring Sophia’s smile and dental function effectively. She highly recommends the clinic for dental implant procedures.

before after veneer
  • Country: Australia
  • Age: 38
  • Profession: Engineer
  • Procedure: Gum Disease Treatment

Daniel underwent gum disease treatment at a dental clinic in Turkey and was extremely satisfied with the care he received. The dental team conducted a thorough assessment of Daniel’s oral health and provided comprehensive treatment for his gum disease. Daniel appreciated the professionalism and expertise of the staff, who ensured his comfort throughout the process. The treatment effectively resolved Daniel’s gum issues, and he highly recommends the clinic for gum disease treatment.

Is it Safe to Have Teeth Implants in Turkey?

Undergoing implant treatment with reputable Turkish dentists is both safe and cost-effective. Turkish dental professionals adhere to the same rigorous standards and best practices observed by their counterparts in Western European countries, ensuring patients receive quality care and reliable outcomes.

How to Choose a Dental Clinic in Turkey?

Selecting the best dentist in Turkey involves reviewing patient testimonials and comparing prices among local dental clinics.

The process of choosing a Turkish dentist is similar to selecting a local practitioner, emphasizing the importance of researching credentials, experience, and patient satisfaction to make an informed decision.

Types of Dental Crowns Available for Teeth Implants in Turkey

Turkish dental implants commonly support crowns made from various ceramics, each offering unique appearance and physical properties. Zirconium and porcelain crowns are among the most popular options in Turkey, known for their durability and natural aesthetics.

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are prized for their exceptional durability and can be customized to match the patient’s natural dentition. These opaque crowns offer superior strength and longevity, making them an ideal choice for patients seeking long-term restoration solutions.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns, crafted from conventional porcelain, offer a natural look and feel that closely mimics natural teeth. These crowns are renowned for their aesthetic appeal and can seamlessly blend with the patient’s smile, enhancing both function and appearance.

Advantages of Having a Dental Implant in Turkey

Opting for implant treatment with a Turkish dentist offers several advantages, including:

  • Cost Savings: Patients can save money compared to undergoing similar procedures in their home countries.
  • Access to Advanced Methods: Turkish dentists utilize state-of-the-art techniques and technologies to deliver optimal results.
  • Restoration of Missing Dentition: Dental implants provide a durable and permanent solution for replacing missing teeth, restoring oral function and aesthetics.

Surgeries Required Before Implant Installation

In some cases, patients may require bone graft or sinus lift surgery before undergoing implant placement. These procedures are essential for ensuring adequate jaw density and sinus elevation to support successful implantation.

Bone Graft

Bone graft surgery aims to augment jaw density, providing a stable foundation for implant placement. Insufficient jaw density increases the risk of complications and may compromise the success of the implant procedure.

Sinus Lift

Sinus lift surgery is necessary for patients with low sinus cavities who require implants in the upper jaw. By elevating the sinus membrane, this procedure creates sufficient space for implant placement, ensuring optimal stability and function.

Cost of Dental Implants with Bone Grafts and Sinus Lifts in Turkey

Bone grafts and sinus lifts are priced separately from package deals and typically cost around €400 on average. These additional procedures are essential for ensuring the success and longevity of dental implant treatments, providing patients with a comprehensive and effective restoration solution

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

What if I encounter a problem with my dental implant?

If you experience issues with your dental implant, such as failed osseointegration, replacement options are available.

Is it worthwhile to travel to Turkey for dental implant treatment?

Yes, opting for dental implant treatment in Turkey offers a combination of affordability and high quality, making it a desirable option for those seeking cost-effective and excellent tooth replacements.

How long can I expect my dental implants to last?

While the expected service life of dental implants is around fifteen years, many implants can last even longer with proper care and maintenance.

Will my dental implants be noticeable?

Implant screws are typically concealed beneath the gums and are not visible, resulting in a natural-looking appearance.

Can dental implants become dislodged?

Dental implants do not typically dislodge on their own. Implant failure is often due to incomplete osseointegration rather than spontaneous dislodgment.

Is dental implant surgery painful?

Dental implant surgery is performed under anesthesia, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure.

How long does it take to complete a dental implant procedure?

The duration of dental implant placement can vary, ranging from a single day to up to a week. However, a full implant procedure typically takes approximately six months to complete.

Are dental implants safe?

Yes, our dental implant procedures adhere to international quality standards and are considered safe for installation.

Can I receive a dental implant immediately after tooth extraction?

Yes, there are specialized implants designed for immediate placement following tooth extraction, allowing for expedited restoration of missing teeth.

Is there an age limit for receiving dental implants?

Patients must be at least eighteen years old to undergo dental implantation procedures.

Seize the opportunity today to attain the smile you deserve. Make your dental health a priority now and open the door to a brighter, more confident future.