bladder surgery in turkey

Bladder surgery is a surgical procedure in which a medical intervention is performed to deal with various problems affecting the bladder. These problems range from strictures and tumors to a severe infection that requires cystectomy. Bladder surgery in Turkey is one of the advanced and reliable medical options for patients who need this type of treatment.

Understanding bladder surgery

What is bladder surgery?

Bladder surgery is a surgical procedure performed when the bladder has problems that require medical intervention. These problems may be diverse, such as a narrowing of the bladder that obstructs the flow of urine, the presence of tumors that need to be removed, or even a cystectomy in some severe cases. Bladder surgery requires advanced medical expertise and advanced equipment to ensure the success of the operation and patient safety.

Reasons for needing bladder surgery

There are several reasons why doctors may recommend bladder surgery, including:

  1. Bladder narrowing: When the passages through which urine passes inside the bladder become too narrow, it becomes difficult for urine to flow normally, causing pain and difficulty urinating.
  2. Presence of tumors: Sometimes malignant and benign tumors grow in the bladder, and they can cause serious health problems and need to be surgically removed.
  3. Bladder damage: Some injuries and diseases may damage the bladder, and in these cases it may be necessary to replace the damaged bladder with an artificial bladder.

Types of bladder surgery

There are several types of bladder surgery that can be performed depending on the nature of the problem faced by the patient:

Cystectomy surgery

This operation is done when there is a large malignant tumor in the bladder or when the patient suffers from frequent and severe infections in the bladder. The surgeon removes the entire affected bladder, and the lymph nodes around it may also be removed if the tumor has spread. After cystectomy, a new opening is created in the abdomen known as the ostomy and is used to remove urine from the body.

Bladder stricture surgery

This operation is performed to widen the passages of the bladder that become narrow due to frequent infections or anatomical abnormalities. The surgeon uses special sutures to widen the passages and improve urine flow.

Bladder implantation

In cases where the bladder is lost due to damage or removal, an artificial bladder can be implanted in its place. This operation requires special equipment and careful preparation to ensure the integration of the body with the new bladder and the success of the operation.

Bladder surgery
Bladder surgery

Bladder surgery cost in Türkiye

Turkey is considered one of the leading medical destinations in the world, as many patients from different countries flock to get treatment there, due to the quality of medical services and the advanced treatment technology that is available in it.

cost factors

The cost of bladder surgery in Türkiye is affected by several factors, including:

  • Type of surgery : The price of each type of bladder surgery varies, with cystectomy being the most expensive due to the complexity of the operation and the extent of the required surgical intervention.
  • The reputation of the hospital and the medical staff : The reputation of the hospital and the skill of the medical team affects the cost of the operation. Reputable hospitals usually provide excellent medical services and the latest technology, which reflects on the cost.
  • Duration of stay in the hospital : The duration of stay in the hospital after the operation affects the total cost of treatment.

Financial advantages of doing the surgery in Türkiye

Türkiye has financial advantages that make it an ideal destination for bladder surgery:

  1. Lower costs : Compared to many other countries, the cost of treatment in Turkey is much lower, which saves a lot of money for patients.
  2. Modern technology : Hospitals in Turkey use the latest technology and medical devices, which means the best quality of treatment.
  3. Qualified medical teams : Doctors and medical teams in Turkey have experience and high skill in the field of bladder surgery.

Bladder surgery cost table in Türkiye with various techniques:

Technology Surgery cost (estimated)
Cystectomy 30,000 – 50,000 dollars
Bladder stricture surgery $20,000-40,000
Implantation of the artificial bladder 50,000 – 70,000 dollars

Please note that the cost mentioned is an estimate and may vary depending on the hospital, the medical team and the patient’s condition. The cost may also be affected by other factors such as the duration of the surgery and the length of stay in the hospital after the surgery. It is always preferable to speak with the treating medical team to get an accurate estimate of the cost of bladder surgery based on the individual case of the patient.

The best bladder surgery hospitals in Türkiye

Turkey is known for its high level of medical and surgical services, and there are many excellent hospitals that offer bladder surgery with the highest level of professionalism and quality. Here are some of the best hospitals for bladder surgery in Türkiye:

  1. Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Akdeniz Yurduşen Hospital – This hospital is part of Istanbul University and has an excellent medical team specializing in bladder and urology surgery.
  2. Istanbul Kingdom Hospital (Medipol Mega University Hospital) – contains the latest medical technology and provides bladder surgery using modern and advanced techniques.
  3. Liv Hospital Urology – one of the leading centers for urology with a well-equipped and specialized medical team.
  4. Medical Park Göztepe Hospital – offers many medical services, including bladder surgery using modern technologies.
  5. Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital – One of the most prestigious hospitals in Turkey with a good reputation in the field of bladder surgery.

Please note that this is a short list and is based on general ratings. Before making a decision to go to any hospital, it is always preferable to check the specialties of the medical team, the level of services provided, and review the experiences of previous patients. It is also advised to consult with a specialized medical professional to determine the best option for the patient’s condition.

The best bladder surgery doctors in Türkiye

Türkiye includes many distinguished doctors in the field of bladder surgery. These doctors are highly qualified and experienced, and provide excellent medical services. Here are some of the best bladder surgery doctors in Türkiye:

  1. Dr.. Dr. Octay Goklu – Liv Hospital Urology.
  2. Dr.. Dr. Abdullah Demir – Urology Center at Medipol Mega University Hospital.
  3. Dr.. Dr. Sahin Tekriva – Bladder Surgery Center at Medical Park Göztepe Hospital, Edirne University.
  4. Dr.. Dr. Emre Dayan – Beylikduzu Memorial University Hospital.
  5. Dr.. Dr. Erdogan Demirtas – Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Akdeniz Yurduşen Hospital.

This is a short list and does not include all the outstanding doctors in Türkiye. Before deciding to collaborate with any physician, it is a good idea to check their resume, specialties, and previous experience in the field of bladder surgery. It is also advised to talk to previous patients who have visited these doctors to get their opinions and personal experiences.

Surgery preparations

Before having bladder surgery in Turkey, some preparations and preparations are required to make sure that the operation is successful and that you get the best results:

Necessary medical examinations

Before the surgery, comprehensive medical examinations are performed to assess the patient’s condition and check his suitability for the operation. These tests include a blood test, medical imaging, and other tests that may be necessary depending on the patient’s condition.

Pre-operative preparations

The patient must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions before surgery, including:

  • Refrain from eating and drinking for a specified period before surgery.
  • Refrain from taking some medications before the operation, based on the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Stop smoking and using any products that contain nicotine, as smoking can negatively affect the healing process after surgery.

Bladder surgery

Bladder surgery is an advanced surgical procedure that requires the expertise and skill of the medical team supervising it. The main steps of the process include:

  1. Anesthesia : The patient is completely anesthetized or using local anesthesia and spinal anesthesia, depending on the nature of the surgery and the patient’s condition.
  2. Surgery process : The surgeon starts the procedure according to the type of bladder surgery selected earlier.
  3. Suturing and Closing : After the surgery is completed, the wound is carefully sutured and closed to aid in healing.

Stages of recovery after surgery

After bladder surgery, the patient needs a recovery period to ensure a full recovery and get the best results from the procedure. The stages of recovery can vary from person to person depending on the type of surgery and the patient’s condition, but generally include:

  • Medical monitoring : The patient is closely monitored after the surgery to check the progress of the healing process and to ensure that there are no complications.
  • Medications : The patient may need to take pain medications and antibiotics to help recovery and prevent infection.
  • Physical exercises : Depending on the doctor’s recommendations, physical exercises can be beneficial to improve movement and strengthen muscles after the operation.
  • Diet : The patient should follow a healthy diet after surgery to facilitate the body’s recovery.

Advantages and disadvantages of bladder surgery

Bladder surgery has advantages and disadvantages that the patient should be aware of before deciding to undergo this operation:


  • Getting rid of the problem : Thanks to bladder surgery, the patient can get rid of health problems related to the bladder that affect his quality of life.
  • Improving the health condition : After the successful operation, the patient can regain his health and normal activity better.
  • Chance for a full recovery : Bladder surgery may allow the patient a chance for a full recovery and a more comfortable life.


  • Risks of Surgery : Bladder surgery can be a complex procedure and carries surgical risks as with any other surgery.
  • Recovery period : Recovery after bladder surgery requires time and effort, and the patient may need to adapt to new changes in his body.

Tips for consulting with a doctor

Before deciding to undergo bladder surgery, the patient should talk to the doctor and ask him some important questions, including:

  • Is bladder surgery the solution for my case?
  • What are the potential risks of the operation and how can they be dealt with?
  • What are the chances of success for bladder surgery?
  • Are there non-surgical alternatives I can consider?
  • What are the expectations after bladder surgery and how can I adjust to the changes?

Bladder surgery patients’ experiences in Türkiye

When patients face a need for bladder surgery in Turkey, the experiences of others can be inspiring and helpful. Among the common experiences patients may experience are:

Here are the detailed experiences of some patients who underwent bladder surgery in Türkiye:

Mary’s experience:

Patient’s name: Maryam Age: 45 years old Type of surgery: cystectomy and implantation of an artificial bladder

Mariam’s experience: Mariam was suffering from a malignant tumor of the bladder and frequent painful bladder infections. Doctors decided that the best solution was to remove the entire bladder and implant an artificial bladder instead. Maryam underwent the operation in a well-known hospital in Turkey, and Maryam’s experience was remarkably successful. After a short recovery period, Maryam began to regain her health and her daily activities. Maryam commended the excellent medical team who performed the surgery and their clear guidance on recovery and aftercare.

Ahmed’s experience:

Patient’s name: Ahmed Age: 38 years old Type of surgery: Bladder stricture surgery

Ahmed’s experience: Ahmed suffered from narrowing of the bladder passages due to frequent infections. He had difficulty urinating and severe pain while urinating. The doctors decided to perform bladder stricture surgery to improve urine flow and relieve pain. After the successful operation, Ahmed noticed a significant improvement in his condition and a decrease in his recurrent bladder infections. Ahmed thanked the medical team for their good care and for answering all his questions with open arms.

Nora’s experience:

Patient’s name: Noura Age: 50 years old Type of surgery: Bladder reduction surgery

Noura’s Experience: Noura had trouble controlling urine due to an enlarged bladder. Doctors decided to perform bladder reduction surgery to improve bladder control and reduce involuntary urination. After the operation, Noura felt a huge difference and her urine control began to improve dramatically. She was happy with the results and thanked the medical team for the job well done and the excellent care they gave her.

These patient experiences show the significant improvement they achieved after bladder surgery in Türkiye. The success they have achieved reflects the superiority of medical expertise in this field and the great interest in patients’ comfort and health.

Success stories

Success stories include the experiences of patients who have successfully undergone bladder surgery and fully regained their health and quality of life.

challenges and experiences

Patients may face some challenges after bladder surgery, such as learning to cope with a new urinary system or coping with life changes.

Frequently asked questions about bladder surgery in Türkiye


Bladder surgery in Turkey is an important medical procedure that can improve the lives of patients suffering from bladder problems. By consulting a qualified doctor and following the medical instructions carefully, the patient can get the best results after the surgery and enjoy a better life and better health.