knee surgery in turkey

Knee surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat injuries and diseases affecting the knee joint. The knee is one of the most used joints in the human body, and as such it is subject to stress and wear. The knee may suffer from many injuries and diseases, such as cartilage rupture, cruciate ligament rupture, arthritis and tendonitis. In this article, we will review knee surgery in Turkey and the options available to patients looking for effective and high-quality treatment.

Benefits of knee surgery in Türkiye

Advanced technology and modern facilities

Knee surgery hospitals in Türkiye are equipped with the latest medical technologies and modern devices. This ensures accurate and successful operations, which enhances the chances of a quick and effective recovery.

An experienced and efficient medical team

The knee surgery team in Turkey consists of highly experienced and professional doctors and surgeons in this field. Their extensive experience allows them to deal with different challenges and provide medical care at the best level.

Types of knee surgery

Knee arthroscopy

These surgical procedures are used to diagnose and treat knee problems without the need to open the joint completely. A small camera is inserted through a small incision in the knee, allowing the surgeon to see the symptoms and perform the necessary interventions.

Total knee replacement

This operation is used when the joint is badly damaged and other operations are not enough to get rid of pain and restore movement. The damaged joint is replaced with an artificial joint made of durable medical materials.

knee surgery
knee surgery

The best knee surgery hospitals in Türkiye

Turkey is considered one of the best medical destinations in the world, and is characterized by international hospitals that provide excellent services in the field of knee surgery. Here are some of the best hospitals for knee surgery in Türkiye:

  1. Akinci Hospital Akinci Hospital in Istanbul is a medical center specializing in knee surgery. The hospital includes a qualified medical team with great experience in diagnosing and treating various knee problems.
  2. Flora Hospital Flora Hospital in Istanbul provides high-quality medical services in the field of knee surgery. The hospital is characterized by advanced technology and a specialized medical team.
  3. American Hospital The American Hospital in Istanbul is one of the most important medical centers for knee surgery . It is characterized by providing health care around the clock and modern facilities.
  4. Urmia Hospital Urmia Hospital in Istanbul offers excellent services in knee surgery. The hospital has a professional medical team working to improve the quality of life of patients.
  5. Levent Hospital Levent Hospital in Ankara provides excellent medical services in knee surgery. The hospital is characterized by advanced medical equipment and a warm climate for treatment.

Please note that before deciding to go to one of the hospitals mentioned above, it is advised to consult with the attending physician to determine the best and appropriate option for the patient’s condition.

The best knee surgery doctors in Türkiye

Known for providing the best doctors in the field of knee surgery, Turkey attracts many patients from all over the world for treatment in its distinguished hospitals. Here are some of the best knee surgery doctors in Türkiye:

  1. Dr.. Ahmet Yilmaz
    • Center: Akinci Hospital – Istanbul
    • Experience: Specialized in knee, shoulder and artificial joint surgery.
  2. Dr.. Mohamed Kaya
    • Centre: Flora Hospital – Istanbul
    • Experience: Fellowship in knee surgery and arthroscopic procedures.
  3. Dr.. Ali Eigen
    • Center: American Hospital – Istanbul
    • Experience: Specialized in joint and knee surgery and the installation of artificial joints.
  4. Dr.. Mustafa Kuchuk
    • Centre: Urmia Hospital – Istanbul
    • Experience: Specialized in knee and spine surgery and tendon repair.
  5. Dr.. Omer Zahir Akkoz
    • Centre: Levent Hospital – Ankara
    • Experience: Specialized in joint, knee and arthroscopic surgery.

You are advised to check the availability of appointments, assessments, and personal experiences of physicians before deciding to see any physician. It should be noted that this is a short list, and there are many distinguished doctors in Turkey in the field of knee surgery.

Knee surgery costs in Türkiye

Below is a table showing the costs of knee surgery in Türkiye using various techniques:

Technology Approximate cost (in Turkish lira)
Knee arthroscopy 15,000 – 25,000
Partial knee joint replacement 40,000 – 60,000
Total knee replacement 60,000 – 80,000
Cartilage preservation techniques 20,000 – 30,000
Cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery 25,000 – 35,000

Please note that these costs are approximations and may vary depending on the hospital, the doctor’s experience, and the patient’s condition. Surgery costs may also include costs associated with accommodation and additional medical exams. It is advised to see the specialist doctor and ask for an accurate cost estimate before any surgery.

Preparing for knee surgery

Necessary medical examinations

Before undergoing knee surgery, the patient needs to undergo several medical examinations to assess his health condition and ensure that he is ready for the operation. These tests include a blood test, a heart scan, and an MRI scan.

Knee surgery procedures

stages of surgery

Anesthetize the patient

At the beginning of the operation, the patient is given appropriate anesthesia to make him unable to feel pain during the surgery.

Perform the surgery

The surgeon follows the necessary steps according to the type of surgery required, whether it is arthroscopic surgery or joint replacement.

postoperative stage

Wound care

After knee surgery, the wound should be taken care of and cleaned regularly as directed by the doctor.

natural therapy

The patient needs physiotherapy sessions to restore knee movement and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

Medical advice before knee surgery in Türkiye

Health assessment

Doctors who specialize in knee surgery assess the patient’s condition and determine the appropriate options for him before performing the operation.

Inquire about costs

Some are concerned about knee surgery costs in Türkiye. The patient can consult the attending physician about the expected cost and health insurance options.


Knee surgery in Turkey is an excellent option for patients with various knee problems . With the use of advanced technology and distinguished medical teams, the chances of recovery and normal life are improved. If you are suffering from knee problems and are looking for effective and reliable treatment, knee surgery in Turkey may be the perfect option for you.

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