Dental implants in Turkey

The cost of dental implants in Turkey is the cheapest in the world, and Istanbul has been famous in recent years for conducting many successful dental implants, according to dental implant experiences in Turkey .

How to get dental implants in Turkey, what are the best dental clinics, who are the most skilled dental implant doctors, how to choose the right dental implant for you, and what are the most important procedures that you must follow during the dental implant process in Turkey.

Where can successful dental implants be performed in Turkey?

There are many dental centers and clinics that provide the best cosmetic and dental treatment services in Turkey and include many skilled dentists in dental implants and repairing all dental or gum problems, according to my experience with dental implants in Turkey and after many comparisons between the best dental clinics And I found that  the Istanbul International Cosmetic Center is one of the best centers for dental implants in Istanbul, Turkey, whether in terms of price or in terms of quality of materials and the experience of the dentist present in it.

You can contact the medical consultant at the Istanbul International Cosmetic Center, which is considered the best cosmetic, treatment and dental implant centers in Istanbul, Turkey, through the direct link:

Get the best dental implants in turkey cost

Dental implants are a modern medical procedure that aims to replace missing teeth with artificial implants that fully integrate with the jaw and surrounding bone. Healthy and complete teeth are an important part of overall oral and body health.

Dental implants in Turkey are the ideal choice for people who have lost their teeth due to various factors such as caries, injuries, or gum diseases. In this article, we will explore dental implants in Turkey, why they are so popular, and the benefits they provide.

Dental implants in Türkiye
Dental implants in Turkey

Types of dental implants in Turkey

Turkey has an outstanding reputation in the field of dental implants and provides a variety of modern and advanced procedures to restore lost teeth. Here are some of the popular types of dental implants in Turkey:

1. Dental implants with direct placement technology

Direct placement dental implants are one of the most popular types of implants in Turkey. This process involves inserting the artificial implant directly into the jaw without the need to extract the replacement tooth. This method is fast and effective, and provides excellent and long-lasting results.

2. Dental implants with immediate implant technology

Dental implants with immediate implant technology are one of the recent innovations in the field of dental implants. This process allows patients to get new teeth on the same day as the procedure. Implants are immediately fixed to the jaw after the implant procedure, providing comfort and a quick restoration of dental function.

3. Dental implants using local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is used in dental implants to reduce pain and tension during the procedure. Local anesthesia is injected into the area to be transplanted, which makes the patient feel comfortable and avoids any pain during the procedure.

4. Dental implants using mobile implants

Turkey also offers dental implants with mobile implant technology, which is a technique used in case of missing multiple teeth in the jaw. This process involves implanting a number of artificial implants in specific areas of the jaw, and these implants are attached to a fixed bridge to replace missing teeth. This technique provides a complete restoration of dental function and an improvement in the overall appearance of the mouth.

5. Dental implants with full implant technology

If the patient suffers from the loss of all teeth in the jaw, dental implants with full implant technology are the appropriate solution. This process includes implanting a number of artificial implants in the upper and lower jaw, and installing a fixed bridge over the implants to achieve a new smile and full function of the teeth.

Advantages of dental implants in Turkey

Turkey provides many advantages for people looking for dental implants. Here are some of the benefits you can get:

1. Quality of health care

Turkey has modern and advanced medical facilities, and adheres to international standards in providing healthcare. The latest technology and materials are used in dental implants, ensuring high quality and excellent results.

2. Reasonable costs

Compared to other countries, the costs of dental implants in Turkey are reasonable and suitable for everyone. The leading companies in Turkey talk about the low costs of travel, accommodation and treatment in the country, which makes it an attractive destination to get dental implants at an affordable cost. Patients can benefit from quality services at competitive rates and receive excellent care without straining their personal budget.

3. Experienced and skilled doctors

Turkey is famous for having a qualified medical team specialized in the field of dental implants. Certified doctors have the experience and skill to successfully perform dental implant procedures. They work using modern techniques and advanced equipment to ensure the best outcomes for patients.

4. Medical tourism

Dental implants in Turkey are associated with the booming medical tourism. Patients can enjoy a fruitful medical journey where they receive health care and at the same time explore the beauty and history of Turkey. Treatment can be combined with relaxation and enjoying the country’s tourist and cultural attractions.

5. Permanent results and quality

Dental implants in Turkey provide permanent and high-quality results. The artificial implants used are solid and durable, integrating perfectly with the jaw and surrounding tissues. This ensures that the normal function of the teeth is restored and a bright and beautiful smile is achieved.

The price of dental implants in Turkey

Dental implant prices in Turkey vary from one center to another, but in general, the turkey dental implants price is cheaper than other countries:

dentist in turkey prices Turkey Saudi Arabia Britain America
Advanced dental implants $300 – $800 $500 – $1,000 $1,000 – $3,000 $1,500 – $4,000
Laser dental implants $500 – $1,000 $800 – $1,500 $1,500 – $4,000 $2,000 – $5,000
Immediate dental implants $800 – $1,500 $1,000 – $2,000 $2,000 – $5,000 $3,000 – $6,000
dental implants turkey cost – full mouth dental implants turkey price

Materials used in dental implants istanbul Turkey

The materials used in dental implants in Turkey are of high quality and meet international standards. These materials are carefully selected to ensure excellent and lasting results. Here are some common materials used in dental implants in Turkey:

1. Durable artificial implants

Titanium implants are used in dental implants in Turkey. Titanium is chosen because of its excellent properties and high strength. The artificial implants fuse well to the jaw and provide long-term stability.

2. High-quality cosmetic materials

High-quality cosmetic materials are used in the restoration of dental implants in Turkey. These materials include anodized aluminium, zirconia and porcelain, which have a natural look and high durability. These materials help achieve a beautiful smile and normal function for dental implants.

3. Hypoallergenic material

Turkey pays great attention to the selection of hypoallergenic materials in dental implants. Materials that do not cause allergic reactions or irritation to the surrounding tissues are used. This ensures patient comfort and contributes to the success of the operation.

4. Antibacterial materials

Antibacterial materials used in dental implants in Turkey may include topical antibiotics, which contribute to limiting the growth of harmful bacteria and reducing the chances of infection. Antibacterial coatings are also used on the implants to keep them clean and prevent plaque and bacteria buildup.

5. Filling and restoration materials

High-quality filling and restoration materials are used in dental implants in Turkey. These materials include composite fillings and ceramic inserts that enhance the stability and durability of dental implants. These materials strengthen the teeth and enhance their natural appearance.

How to choose the right dental implant for you

Choosing the right dental implant is an important decision and requires some attention and research. Here are some tips to help you make the right decision:

1. Consult a professional dentist

Consulting a professional dentist is the first important step. You should visit your dentist to evaluate your oral condition and to determine if dental implants are the right option for you. The doctor will provide professional advice and explain the options available based on your individual situation.

2. Investigation and research

Extensive research is recommended before making a planting decision. Find out more information about medical specialists and medical centers in your area or in the destination you intend to travel to. Read past patient experiences and review ratings and reviews to gain a comprehensive understanding of the quality of services provided.

3. Experience and specialization

Make sure to choose a dentist who has experience and specialization in dental implants. Check his work history, certifications, and additional trainings he may have had. It may include a previous visit to the clinic or center to see the doctor and discuss your expectations and concerns.

4. Cost and insurance

Cost may be an important factor in making a decision. Inquire about the cost of dental implant procedures and the quality guarantees offered. You may have health insurance that covers dental implants, so be sure to ask your insurance carrier about coverage and details about treatment.

5. Technologies and materials used

Inquire about the techniques used in cultivation and the materials that are used. Check the quality of materials and their compliance with international standards. Materials must be compatible with the human body, wear-resistant, and durable to ensure the long-term success of the implant.

6. Previous patient experience

Do not hesitate to speak with previous patients who have had dental implants at the candidate clinic or centre. Inquire about their experience, their results, and their satisfaction with the care and services they received. You may gain a better understanding of work quality and patient satisfaction through their personal experiences.

After taking care of all these factors and doing the proper research, you can make an informed decision about dental implants that are right for you. Remember that dental implants are a medical procedure that requires expertise and great attention to detail, so seek professional medical advice before making a final decision.

The most important procedures before dental implants in Turkey

Before having dental implants in Turkey, there are some important procedures that need to be taken. Make sure to follow these steps to ensure a successful and trouble-free experience:

1. Consult a dentist

Visit a dental specialist to evaluate your oral condition and decide if dental implants are the right option for you. The doctor will perform the necessary examinations and make an accurate diagnosis to determine the steps required and the expectations of the results.

2. Overall planning

The dentist works out a comprehensive plan for the procedure based on your individual case. The number of implants required will be determined and appropriate dates for the operation will be determined. Details and expectations should be discussed with the doctor before agreeing to the plan.

3. Medical examinations

You may need to undergo some medical tests before the transplant. These examinations may include x-rays and blood tests to ensure that there are no health problems that hinder the operation.

4. Preoperative preparations

You must follow the doctor’s directions regarding pre-operative preparations. These directions may include not eating or drinking for a specific period before the operation, and following instructions for cleaning the mouth and teeth well before the operation.

5. Psychological readiness

Before performing the transplant, prepare well psychologically. Dental implants can be a bit of a stressful experience, so you need to be prepared for it. Try to maintain a positive mental state and trust in the healthcare team that will perform the procedure.

Steps for dental implants and installation in Turkey

Turkey is famous for providing high-quality dental services at affordable prices, and dental implants and implants are among the common services available. Here are the basic steps for dental implants and installation in Turkey:

1. Diagnosis and treatment plan

The first step in dental implants involves consulting a specialist dentist. The doctor will evaluate your oral condition and take x-rays and dental tests if necessary. Based on the diagnosis, your doctor will develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.

2. Oral preparation and root cultivation

This step involves root implant surgery, where titanium screws or dental implants are placed in the jaw. This operation is performed under the influence of local anesthesia to reduce pain.

3. Root healing

After the roots are transplanted, the body needs time to heal and form bone around them. This healing can take between 3 and 6 months, depending on the individual oral condition.

4. Fitting artificial teeth

After the roots are healed, the artificial teeth are installed. The implants are prepared to receive the artificial teeth. Teeth are measured and manufactured in a dental laboratory and then permanently attached to the implant pins.

5. Follow-up and continuous care

After dental implants and placement, you need to follow up regularly with your dentist to ensure the development of the implants and to maintain your oral health. You must adhere to good oral hygiene and brush your teeth and gums regularly. It is also advised to avoid harmful habits such as smoking and eating solid food that can affect the implants.

The expected benefits of dental implants and installation in Turkey

  • Restoration of oral function and the ability to chew and speak normally.
  • Improving the aesthetic appearance of teeth and smile.
  • Feeling more self-confident and comfortable when speaking and smiling.
  • Maintaining oral health and preventing possible health problems in the future.

The most important tips after dental implants in Turkey

After having dental implants in Turkey, here are some important tips for the necessary care and facilitating recovery:

1. Follow your doctor’s instructions

Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding oral and dental care after the operation. This may include taking prescribed medications, following a specific oral cleaning schedule, and avoiding eating hard or soft food for a specified period.

2. Good oral hygiene

Pay attention to oral and dental hygiene after dental implants. Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste recommended by your doctor. Brush your teeth gently and periodically, and avoid vigorously rubbing the implants area.

3. Avoid harmful influences

Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and hot drinks after the operation, as they can hinder the wound healing process and increase the risk of infections. It is also advised to avoid hard and soft foods that are too hard to chew.

4. Eat healthy

Follow a healthy and balanced diet after dental implants. Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins to promote healthy teeth and gums. Avoid hard and sticky foods that are difficult for dental implants to handle.

5. Avoid tension and stress

Rest and relax after the operation. Avoid stress and overexertion, as they can negatively affect the recovery process. Do calming activities such as yoga or meditation to help relieve stress and promote a sense of well-being.

6. Attending to the scheduled appointments

Be sure to attend follow-up appointments with your dentist. The doctor will check and assess the recovery and ensure the integrity of the implants. Your doctor may need to make necessary adjustments or modifications.

7. Smile and confidence

Enjoy the amazing results of dental implants and implants in Turkey. Remember that a new smile and beautiful teeth will increase your confidence and improve the quality of your daily life.

After having dental implants and implants in Turkey , it is important to follow the tips mentioned above to have a safe and successful experience. Remember that good care and proper oral hygiene contribute to the success of the procedure and to the health of the implanted teeth. Contact your treating dentist for any questions or concerns you may have in the post-operative period.

You can learn about the most important dental procedures in Turkey: